Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bravo! Sexy, hot, talented women who eat!

Sara, Chandra, and America -- love that colour-want that dress!!!!
Just traversing one of my favourite sites - on my lunch of course - and I come across Lainey's wrap up of the SAG awards...and it is just sooooooo refreshing to see that there are talented normal-sized, even plus-sized women getting work and being recognized for their talents - there is hope for my return to the world of actors after all --- did you know Chandra Wilson had a part-time job the whole time she was gigging? She only quit after 6 months into the first season of Grey's and now she's receiving her first SAG!!!! I'm sure http://actingresponsible.blogspot.com will be happy to hear that!

Killing it ladies, killling it!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Babies, babies everywhere…and because I should - the less I care

Before you read my tirade – I was not, am not and will not ever say – “I’ll never have kids” – that always gets you into trouble. No, I fully embrace the possibility that one day I could be a very happy mother of one or even two – but it's highly doubtful. Cause you see:

I was never one of those girls with the baby feeling, the gush over babies – “oohhh aren’t they cute – please let me hold them – I can’t wait to have my own” – girls. And the whole marriage and kids thing was never my thing – still isn’t. Not that I don’t want to get married ever – I do, in fact recently I found myself confirming the venue – the VAG for the reception – the beach for the ceremony – if I get married in Vancouver. But that is just a daydream that no emancipated woman is ever fully released from.

But back to the babies – at 32 even my “I’m going to be single for life-never having children’” friends are married and having children. And then there’s the Hollywood factor – everyone there is having babies as well. I mean if Hollywood stars are North America’s royalty... we aspire to be them right? Adoptions, C-Sections, in-vetro…I’m finding this are today’s main female topics of conversation over canapés and champagne? What happened to politics, art - the weather?

I mean I’ll admit I love to gawk at shots of the Jolie-Pitts on vacation as well but that’s because most families don’t choose to birth a child in luxury in Namibia and vacation in Vietnam all in between shooting films, attending gallery openings and walking the red carpet. Hey, if I had as much money as the Jolie-Pitts, then I would adopt a whole soccer team as well. The fact is folks, not only is the maternal instinct mostly absent, but I am nothing if not practical.

I CANNOT AFFORD TO HAVE A CHILD. I cannot afford to have a latte every morning, never mind think about buying strollers, car seats and cribs –unh-uh. Hey, if it was that easy, I’d quit my job right now and maybe I’d have a kid – cause at least it would give me something to do, fill my days, make me feel like I had a real ‘purpose’ in life – perhaps the reason many women have children. Oops, did I say that out loud?

But no, I have to keep looking for real passion in life – that I know can really only be found by me. That passion is not a baby and not even a man. I’ve been too busy pursuing my life’s passion to think about babies. And when that dream only kept me in Kraft dinners and basic cable, I put that on the backburner to get a graduate degree that I’ll be paying off for the next 10 years of my life while I contribute to the betterment of culture and heritage in BC.

But I digress, babies and lots of them! Twins seem to be a staple on the landscape as older women get on the baby train. I mean biologically fertility plummets after 27. There’s a 50% chance of getting pregnant after the age of 35, or some such number, that is if you and the sperm-donor are both healthy and accounted for to begin with. So, really I’m already halfway to infertility anyway.

Then there’s the energy sucking during the gestation period, which, even for my friend who had no side effects, was her only side effect. The preparation of the lining of the womb for new life - I mean I can sleep a good 14 hours with naps when I have my period – never mind if a fertilized egg was to actually attach itself to the blood-rich lining formed every month and continue to grow! And people wonder why the f&ck you’re tired and cranky. “Well, biologically my body thought I was going to foster a new life so extra nutrients are sucked from my normal body functions to prepare for this physiological miracle and when it doesn’t happen, I spend several days bleeding, wouldn’t you be a teeny bit cranky and tired?”

And the time – can you imagine? There is no more time for yourself – that is it, done. No, no –DONE! It is the first thing you think about and the last thing you worry about. I can barely get to my to-do list as it is. I mean I guess the first year I would catch up on all the daytime television I’ve missed while working full time – days full of Ellen and Oprah with a little Regis and Kelly is what I call a little but of ‘all right’. On the other hand, there’s no getting any sleep at night, but I am a night owl anyway…BUT after that it is all downhill. There’s practices to drive them to and teachers conferences to attend, sleepovers to chaperone and meals to cook. I haven’t found time to do my 2005 taxes yet, never mind spending my weekends potty training and on the soccer pitch – unless I get ‘paid’ to do so like Katie Holmes.

There is also the parental equality factor. We can say ‘We’ve come a long way baby’, but the woman is still expected to and often voluntarily does do much more than half the workload - she takes the year off, she gets up at night and she still is the first one expected to do the household chores. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty anal about how the dishes are washed and where everything goes – but you can do the laundry, clean the toilet and dust and vacuum to your hearts content! I do know people who share parenting – in fact, a model couple, but they are the exception to the rule and if my co-parent was not at least 50/50 if not 70/30 in my favour, I would never, ever be able to live with him, never mind the kid.

So ladies – go ahead – procreate! Use every method possible, you can even tell me about it and I will buy you shower gifts and remark upon how cute the babies are – but they are yours. I am not envious, there is no pull of the heartstrings, and there is no clock ticking.

Only the tick-tock of the dream clock. Still lots of those to birth.

culturalcruise, 2006

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

girl groups

Ladies...I know we are just going to drink wine and chat about our lives but I can't wait!!!!! Go draft dodgers...Beavers, can't wait until dineout on Saturday night...killing it! Girl groups are awesome!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

no day like today

I just returned from the closest thing to a high school reunion as I have ever had - it's been almost 15 years...almost 15 years since I grew up with these people...laughed and fought and gossiped about some of these people...had crushes, felt crushed and walked the podium with these people...there are childen, marriages and other passions and pain. What brought us together? A funeral service, for one of us.

But we are young, we are beautiful and we are still here.
No day like today.

the weekend

- ah yes, Loverboy I am working for it! My first official full weekend in 7 weeks!!! I am sooooo excited! My to-do list overflows....happy days!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gentrifying 'Skids-Ville' Or the Little Neighbourhoods that Could!

You know the story, that neighbourhood you would never move to but usually has that one shop/café/book store that you always keep going back to for that particular something you cannot do without or cannot find anywhere else –for that cheap. You always go with friends and always during daylight hours…and every time you go back you see another brave business going in amongst the crack-house donut shops, Money Marts and day and night ‘working girl’ strip of sidewalk, hoping their pioneering spirit will inspire other homesteaders. Slowly but surely, a friend of a friend rents a warehouse space near there to which you are invited to a gallery opening and/or theatrical happening at…then an actual cute dress shop opens up or a brunch place with retro fitted chairs; killer eggs and wine served in tumblers that remind you of that trip to Europe…and then it’s all over.

Before you can blink and realize that this hood is ‘the new black’ you can’t afford rent never mind actually buying property in your old ‘crackwhore hood’ and you’re waiting at the bar for a table on the patio with people who wouldn’t have been seen dead anywhere near the place 2 years ago. It’s the Meat Packing District syndrome – ghetto chic…it’s chic all right, but the ghetto has a gotten a diehard glaze job. Our latest Meat Packing district incarnations: Main Street here (SOMA) between 30th all the way to the Skytrain station; West Queen West in T.O. –west of Bathurst and on past Dufferin. Both areas your suburban and/or elite-locale city friends would not think to ‘hang’ in until that restaurant write up gets into not only the Straight / Westender / Now and Eye but the pages of the Globe and Mail as well as The National Post – “it” places have no real political boundaries.

How does all this happen seemingly overnight? Well, it doesn’t happen as fast as you think it does – the transformation usually starts out real slow at first over a period of 2-3 years even and then one day the “gentrification alteration” explodes with the backing of designer interiors; well known investors and grandma’s best linens/shoes/recipes. So where there was once a no-mans land of dodgy businesses there is now door upon door of window-shopping and bar hopping. Let us take our Vancouver Main Street strip – condensed between Broadway and King Edward/25th Avenue where the main attractions used to be the 7-Eleven, Mount Pleasant Library and good old Helen’s Grill, there is now a plethora of cool consignment stores, little bar/bistros and galleries/artist run centres. From the fabulous vintage finds available at Front & Company and Burcus’ Angels, to the cool cocktails served at Public lounge and Monsoon, you can actually spend an evening out in the Mount Pleasant area complete with a gallery opening at Western Front or grunt gallery.

Conversely, when I moved to Toronto’s Queen and Ossington area in 2001, I was way too west! Not cool – in fact when people weren’t sure where that was I’d say “near the mental health centre” and they’d screw up their faces into a kind of sympathy/horror expression that came from knowing I cycled by the mentally unwell and past-their-prime working girls every evening before arriving at my doorstep. Between the shooting and stabbing incidents at the various “karaoke” bars along Ossington and the fabulous offers I got from the day patients, I was really thinking that the Portuguese fish shops and bakeries up on Dundas Street were not compensating.

And then came Studio Gang – a brave lady and her scissors, the first real sign that the chic were indeed coming – eventually. The designer owned and operated clothing store braved it out until first the galleries, and then the neighbourhood pubs like the Crooked Star and Sweaty Betty’s took hold of Ossington – still leaving it ghetto-ish but with small businesses that actually provided what they advertised in their windows and didn’t operate as fronts for more colourful endeavours. This effect soon spilled out onto Queen Street making the area in and around the mental health centre the current place to see and be seen replete with bar after gallery after retro clothing store.

Just as I had a feeling my beloved Historic Mount Pleasant of my youth would grow into something grand once again, I knew there was a greater power that had pulled me west of retro cool Queen Street – the new cool – the Art + Design District. Yeah, they owe me one.

© culturalcruise, 2005

Romanticizing the Written Word - One Woman's Search for Mr.Right 'Now'?

Lavalife, Plenty of Fish, Lifemates, perfect match – What do all these catch phrases have in common? The lure of the perfect mate, just behind that finely crafted online profile and ‘just right’ photo they’re there! Or at the very least there lies a perfect meal in your future – perhaps mango butterfly shrimp over a glass of pinot gris and scintillating conversation. Or maybe it’s more like your each holding your own latte at a strip mall in Guilford thinking ‘…if I re-heat that rice, I could have it with the chicken from Thursday for dinner’. Who knows? I’m just saying.

I’m trying hard to break my stereotype as I look for possible mates in cyberspace. I now grudgingly admit that I sort of have one. Only by virtue of not admitting I have one, do I end up falling into the trap of dating the same type of guy over and over again. He’s hard to describe, although many are able to point him out from a great distance, others, like myself are blind to the signs… I tell myself that this time he’s not the same because of one inherent difference, usually something superficial like a job, a house or a car – i.e. if he has any of those 3 he’s already stepped up several rungs on my dating ladder. But if I’m honest with myself I know deep down that he’s the same laid back, nonchalant, pseudo-intellectual, fall-into-things, record playing, moccasin wearing kind of guy I’ve often dated who commits to nothing but criticizes everything.

Take Bachelor #1 for example – cool job, cool place (albeit far from being fully furnished, but add that to my list of ‘usuals’) and cool interests – many of them bang on with my own…sense of humour: sarcastic and glib –nice, like that. Communication over the last month and a half has been fairly constant although mostly via
e-mail and we’ve totaled 3 dates. So, does he ‘really like me’ or just my fishnets – I still have no clue. Girlfriend, see Oprah and Sex in the City, Season 5 re: He’s Just Not That into You.
I know, I know, but it’s an inherent female gene to analyze and if your best male gay friend says that’s normal straight man behaviour for a guy who likes a girl you tend to hang on for more.

But if there are nipple clamps and a brand new never opened toothbrush, neither of which he’s using that evening, are you closing your eyes to the glaringly obvious artifacts of a gigolo? Albeit, a gigolo who likes ‘romantic surprises at the office and reading a good book’ but a gigolo nonetheless?

Bachelor #2 is a fairly recent addition but an interesting and I would say positive departure from my norm. He meets and surpasses all the major criteria of house, job, car, but of course lacks all the creative introspectiveness I imagine I’m so fond of. I fear he may not be as internationally savvy as I am – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing is it? He’s nice! You know, nice? He called the next day to say he had had a great time and we’ve chatted on the phone thrice already – I’m pretty sure that’s how many times I’ve chatted with Bachelor #1, including voicemail, and I’ve known him three times as long!!

But then, even though I’m currently living in the burbs, I am a city gal at heart, and hope to move back there as soon as financially viable and Bachelor #2 is soooo burbs. With Bachelor #2
I have visions of walking my 1.5 children down our long big suburb house walkway and entering my fabulous 5 bedroom + ‘single’ family dwelling with my perfectly manicured fake lawn and I’m screaming inside for a little walk-up flat with retro furnishings where I sit on the authentic hardwood floor sipping wine with friends while my man reads from his new novel…

Scenario #1 may be some women’s dream but scenario #2 is more like mine…I just don’t know which online category or site to pick him from. All is not as it seems on the internet: you categorize yourself; check the appropriate boxes and fill in the relevant templates for whom you’d like to meet, and how you want people to see you – the problem is are others really putting their real selves in the appropriate category?
Are you? Your new cybermate can match all your ‘criteria’ and still end up not being what you want them to be…

I wonder if I can inch Bachelor #1 more into #2’s template or more likely vice-versa…oh- and I forgot to tell you about Bachelor #3. Ooops!

Log off.

© culturalcruise, 2005
...and so it begins, draft dodgers, I have picked up the gauntlet!!!!