So I know we live in the only temperate rain forest in the entire world, but seriously! Seriously! This is getting to be a bit much...I am really surprised that west coast dwellers have not grown gills as of yet. Personally, I always wear a scarf in such weather thereby keeping my neck several degrees warmer than the rest of my body and much drier just in case.
It's making me bitchy...I know as I am saying - 'What do you want me to do about that?' to a co-worker, that I am being bitchy...but it's like the words are escaping from my mouth before I can stop them. I blame the rain, the incessant, constant pounding, forming ponds and rivers on our ashphalt landscape and creating bogs and lakes in our parks and forests.
Yes, I realize that is why it remains so green and verdant even in the increasingly dry-due-to-global-warming summer months, but just how much is one supposed to endure!!! And sorry, but the Wednesday/Thursday half-day respite this week just didn't do it for me...I stopped me from killing myself, yes, but it did not permanently lift the spirits...how is one supposed to work under these conditions..sitting at my desk sifting through academia? How am I supposed to invite in creative inspiration for my audition tomorrow with this soggy blanket hanging over my head???