Sooo nothing makes you forget a great getaway like this giant sheet of grey we've got covering us and smothering us right here in good ol' VAN. LA now seems like a distant dream...and yet I feel obliged to finish off my travelogue..so let me use bullet points:
- Sunday was hard...A hangover and the start of my transformation into Will Smith from Hitch - but we made it to the Alley -teeming with populace and kinda scary if you're not used to crowds...I was not going away empty handed and 2 pairs of Dior knock-offs made it into my possession for $10!
- A cruise in our ride for the weekend (our Chevy Malibu in grandfather tan...provided by I's sister as a birthday gift to I-- and me here thinking I could do LA without a car...well, I could have but it would have been a very different trip where no heels would have been permitted and I never travel without heels) through the Hollywood hills, along Mulholland Drive and out past the Beverly Hills Hotel and then over to Whole Foods to stock up on our Oscar meal and snacks...do not get the crab dip there!
- Watched the pre-show and show at home...and frankly not only do I blame my cold and the unwashed masses of the Alley for my eye infection but the longest Oscar telecast in the history of my watching the Oscars...no wonder puss started ooozzzing out of my eye!
- Nothing could stop me from trying to spy the stars though so we zipped up and headed to the Vanity Fair party with cameras in hand - at the right is my best handywork although my friend did get a great one of Penelope Cruz and her cleavage! SEND ME THE PIC!!!! Others who came over to sign and shake hands were random B-C list film and TV stars and- JLo and Marc - I guess the latino contingent wants to keep it real, heh? or at least act like they are...and I know, I know, Penelope is not latino, or from Mexico for that matter...neither am I...but it helps to racial profile sometimes;-)
- Monday was LA highway day - avoiding a five-car pile-up in the merging lane thanx to I having 'both hands on the wheel' ...we arrived at the Getty to find it closed!!!!! Yes, closed. Ok, it does say that they are closed on Mondays on their website, but it is not by any means obvious! so.....they have the Getty Villa in Malibu for the losers like us who do not pay attention to the fine print - which is like a roman villa with outdoor greek and roman sculpture and some travelling exhibits. OK, my museum fix was somewhat satisfied...and they had an exhibit on Tunisian Mosaics. I happen to like the medium given my people also make a mean mosaic.
- Santa Monica for window shopping, lunch, Fred Segals, and a walk along the beachfront including Venice Beach where I managed to get a last minute pair of white pumps the likes of which I have been looking for and coveting for a while now...with the peekaboo crochet on the side....will obviously have to wait a while before I trott them out in Vancouver.
- Anyhow....we returned the Malibu and gas ended up being $8 US each WTF??? Crazy, I know, I swear if it wasn't for the plane ticket this trip was almost free!
- Thanx to my friends for hosting, I for the itinerary and Holloywood for being so Hoff!!! ooooo - I took a picture on top of David HasselHoff...in a drunken orgasmic daze...lying down on Hollywood Boulevard....I know, kinda gross...not gonna post it, wouldn't be prudent...Johnny Depp was close by though for good measure.
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