I was wondering what to go on about today as I have no big plans on the weekend, and I am looking forward to that, do not get me wrong - I am also looking forward to the digital cable at my parents house this weekend - a trip out to the ever diminishing Surrey estate is in order...
SO god bless www.laineygossip.com for showing me the way - Daniel Craig. Casino Royale should be nominated for Best Picture, I would say in place of The Departed - action flick for action flick it is the better picture. The Departed did star my other new found love - Leonardo DiCaprio, fully sealed when I saw Blood Diamond - a disturbingly graphic film...but damn he is hot in it!
and so is Craig...in a suit, in swim trunks, in casual khaki's -- ever since I saw him in Layer Cake, I have had an adult crush (defined here as girl crush in that teenage way that you know you will never have them - except now you add -- "in bed"@ the end just like Chinese fortune cookies) Never say Never (Again, another Bond film) because Daniel and I are going to be in the same city on the same day - doing the same thing - watching the Oscar's in LA!
1 comment:
Agree on movie picks (and Daniel Craig *swoon*).
I saw The Departed earlier this evening in the same theatre where I saw Casino Royale months ago. While almost dozing off in the first thirty minutes of The Departed, I couldn't help but contrast it with how utterly entertained and mesmerized I was watching DC as Bond in CR. There was really no comparison. CR was far more entertaining. And Mr. Craig is hot, hot, hot.
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